
FAO partners with the African Union and NPCA to develop capacity to track progress on Malabo Road Map

The region has been holding training workshop on Malabo Reporting process within Southern Africa

Policy makers and government officials from across Southern Africa are meeting under the CAADP/Malabo Biennial Review and reporting mechanism to enhance skills on methods and tool to track and assess progress achieved in CAADP/Malabo implementation and its impact on targeted beneficiaries within the agriculture sector. FAO, in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency (NPCA) organised a five-day technical workshop starting today in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

The key purpose of the workshop is to provide information on the Biennial Review Mechanism and to train participants on the technical guidelines to track progress towards the Malabo targets that will involve standard country performance-reporting templates. 

Under the Malabo Framework, which was agreed by African heads of state in June 2014, countries are expected to provide a report of progress towards implementation of the Malabo roadmap every two years starting in 2018.

Following a broad consultation process, the AUC/NPCA, working with Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and technical partners like FAO have developed a set of 43 indicators based on the Malabo commitments for ‘accelerated agricultural growth and transformation for shared prosperity and improved livelihoods’.

Suffyan Koroma, Senior Economist in his opening remarks said, ‘FAO reconfirms its commitment towards supporting the AU/NPCA in synergy with the RECs to accelerate implementation of the Malabo road map by strengthening monitoring and data systems across the region and looks forward to continuing to enhance the capacity of member states to achieve the vision of agricultural transformation in Africa by 2025’.

As part of the implementation of the Malabo Roadmap, member states are supported to domesticate the new monitoring and reporting tools for alignment with national agriculture data frameworks. Training activities are expected to contribute towards strengthening the capacity of African governments to track and deliver the ambitious 2063 vision for a prosperous Africa based on inclusive sustainable growth spearheaded by the African Union.