
Major players in poultry, livestock and fish sectors attend Egypt's AGRENA

The 14th International Exhibition for the Management and Production of Poultry, Livestock and Fish (AGRENA) recently concluded at Cairo International Conference Centre

Feed manufacturers, poultry farmers, cattle farmers, fish farmers, agricultural farmers, veterinarians, suppliers and distributors were among the top visitors to AGRENA this year.

Board of Poultry Middle East and North Africa (MENA) chairman Antoine Sayegh said, "It gives opens opportunities for thousands of Egyptian technicians who work in poultry projects." There are many renowned scientists in the country's poultry industry.

With an emphasis on giving opportunities to broaden knowledge and showcase the latest technology, products and services, AGRENA has been held every year for three days in Egypt. It is easily accessible to other countries in the region to form new trade contacts.

AGRENA_com1Notable among the exhibitors are Ottevanger Milling Engineers, which specialises in design and manufacture of equipment and installations for the grain-processing and mixed-feed industry.

Roquette presented its complete range of animal nutrition ingredients along with its local partner Orkila, a leading distributor of chemical products for Middle East and Africa.

Probiotics and yeast-based products manufacturer Biofeed was a major participant at the show.

Poultry, livestock and fishing industries are among the biggest food sectors in MENA region.