
Advance Seed’s Indigi Mix for Southern Africa

The Indigenous Mix or Indigi Mix of grass product, from Advance Seed, is a blend of six indigenous grasses suitable for use throughout most areas and environments in Southern Africa

The grasses included in the mix have been carefully developed to offer a seed that is well suited to the rehabilitation of land that has been subjected to large-scale operations where the original virgin vegetation has been severely disturbed.  

“In our experience the Indigi Mix seeds are best used in the development of new golf courses as well as the rehabilitation of environments impacted by invasive mining operations, the building of roads, laying of major pipelines as well as a host of other commercial and agricultural applications,” says Niels Harmuth, Agronomist at Advance Seed.

Once established, this grass species has remarkable drought tolerance and successful establishment normally occurs within a one to three year period, depending on prevailing weather conditions and the preparation of the seedbed prior to seeding and establishment.

The cover that the grasses provide, once rooted, creates an ideal microenvironment that is suitable for the development of other indigenous plant species that are not commercially available.

“While the grasses used in the Indigi Mix are in fact indigenous to the area and as a result are suited to the local environment, you must follow a maintenance programme to ensure the longevity of the grass as well as to ensure it continues to flourish,” adds Harmuth. “It is important to note that, particularly in areas where rehabilitation is required, that the existing soil is not as rich as what is required by most grasses.

“This will inadvertently lead to the dying out of desired grass species and in turn enhance the growth of less desirable grass types. Once again stressing the importance of ongoing maintenance.”

As with the majority of products from Advance Seed, the seeds in the Indigi Mix blend have been coated with an AGRICOTE coating that contains numerous nutrients and growth stimulants that aid in the establishment of young germinating seedlings.