
High-level panel to explore investment in African agriculture

Tanzania’s President Kikwete and Commissioners of the European and African Unions will discuss investment opportunities in African agriculture during a panel session in Brussels on 4 April 2014

The panel session, ‘Realising the Promise of Agriculture for Africa’s Transformation,’ will be hosted by the Belgian government and will focus mainly on the rapid transformation in food production and distribution in Africa, CTA (the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation) event organisers revealed.

“African agriculture and food systems are undergoing significant transformations,” said Michael Hailu, the company's director.

“Africa now has the potential both to feed itself and to grow a substantial surplus for export, which will not only improve the continent’s balance of payments, but also help tackle global food insecurity,” Hailu added.

According to Hailu, political leaders are aware that sustaining the momentum of transformation is as important as attracting further investment.

“This is why the High-level Panel and the whole discussion about transforming African agriculture is so important,” stated Hailu.

“What is happening in African agriculture and food systems has the potential to reshape the global food system for the better.”