
IPM Essen 2012 sees nearly 60,000 visitors

The recent IPM Essen exhibition was attended by 59,600 trade professionals who visited 1,517 exhibitors from 44 countries

The recent IPM Essen 2012 show formed the economic barometer for the worldwide green sector, with 36 per cent of visitors coming from overseas – a rise of 10 per cent. This rise in international visitors was reinforced by the fact that 74 per cent of IPM visitors were decision takers, characterising the great success of the 30th IPM Essen.

"The 30th IPM Essen was superlative," said Frank Thorwirth, Chairman and CEO of Messe Essen, and Egon Galinnis, Managing Director of Messe Essen. "On the occasion of the 30th birthday, IPM has received the nicest gift from the exhibitors and the visitors who are confirming the concept of IPM by their success."

This year’s exhibition was ceremoniously opened by Germany’s Federal Minister of Agriculture, Ilse Aigner. She praised the fair as an information hub and an international marketplace which entices exhibitors and guests from all over the world.  Heinz Herker, President of Zentralverband Gartenbau (Central Horticultural Association - ZVG), then highlighted the factors he believed made IPM Essen a success: open-mindedness, knowledge transfer and enthusiasm for innovations.

Information about innovations, market orientation and maintaining business contacts were crucial for trade visitors' participation in IPM Essen 2012. In this respect, the fair once again proved to be a meeting place of decision takers and a first-rate networking platform: 74 per cent of visitors have an influence on purchases and procurements in their companies. One in three visitors placed orders directly at IPM or planned to order something during their visit to the fair. Another 28 per cent are expecting to conclude contracts after the fair on the basis of the information they attained and contacts they acquired. Visitors were also positive about the variety on offer and for the international reach of the fair. 88 per cent of visitors made a positive assessment of the current economic prospects of the sector.

IPM Essen 2012 also honoured many companies via various competitions. Plants with added value were the focus of attention of the international competition entitled Colour Your Life Award IPM 2012 which Messe Essen had organised together with Plant Publicity Holland (PPH). The prize was won by the Dutch company Van den Berk for its roof tree called The Swing.

The Blu Blumen horticultural business of Mario and André Segler from Langenberg won the €2,500 Horticultural Prize 2012 of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Johannes Remmel, Minister of Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of the Federal State of NRW, conferred the prize during the opening ceremony.

Indega (InterEssenvertretung der deutschen Industrie für den Gartenbau – Association Representing the Interests of the German Horticultural Industry) meanwhile presented its prize for technical progress to RAM Mess- und Regeltechnik from Hersching for its newly developed measurement and analysis technology.

A visit to IPM Essen 2012 was essential for the international floristry sector. The FDF FloristEvent Centre in Hall 1A / Green City was completely full. Fachverband Deutscher Floristen (FDF – Trade Association of German Florists) President, Helmuth Prinz, said, "IPM Essen 2012 has presented itself in a strong, varied, dynamic and creative form at the highest level! For FDF, it was thus once again the gateway to the international floristry world in its anniversary year too."

High satisfaction levels were reflected in the intention of 93 per cent of this year’s exhibitors and visitors to attend next year’s IPM Essen, which takes place from January 22-25, 2013.
