
Market linkage association formed in Zimbabwe

The Market Linkage Working Group has been newly constituted to the Market Linkage Association

The aim will be to focus on promoting the development of sustainable smallholder agriculture in Zimbabwe, according to Michael Dawes, Secretary.

Dawes says that membership of the association will be open to organisations like NGOs, Farmers Unions or Associations, Private Sector Corporates, Government departments, farmers, agricultural suppliers and food processors, just to mention a few.

Also a Market Linkage Trust will be created, motivated by concern for the development of agriculture in Zimbabwe and of smallholder agriculture.The trust will raise and disburse funds to assist in the promotion of market linkages between primary producers and offtakers, processors and traders for the future development of sustainable agricultural partnerships in Zimbabwe and to coordinate the efforts of interested stakeholders through an association of such stakeholders with ultimate improvement of livelihoods in rural areas of Zimbabwe.

Other activities of the association will be to promote and implement empowerment projects within the smallholder farming sector,promoting and supporting training programmes and extension services to enhance crop and livestock production in Zimbabwe.

Wallace Mawire