
Morocco-based turkey producer diversifies into broiler production

Maroc Dinde, one of Morocco’s largest turkey producers, diversifies into broiler production with the help of leading Dutch hatchery technology company, Pas Reform

The group, headed by Abdelmoulah, has signed an agreement for the development of a new green field hatchery, where Pas Reform’s Smart modular, single stage system will be introduced to optimise broiler incubation.

The new installation will include SmartSet setters, SmartHatch hatchers, hatchery automation systems and hatchery climate control systems. Maroc Dinde’s new broiler hatcher will be built in two phases. On completion, the hatchery will have the capacity to produce 600,000 day old broilers per week.

New challenge

Speaking on the agreement, Abdelmoulah said: ”While we are experienced in rearing turkeys, it is a new challenge for us to expand the business in this way.

We sought a partner that has proven expertise and the technical capability to build such a project. Pas Reform fulfils these requirements – and with such specialised expertise in hatchery climate control, hatchery automation and hatchery project management, we anticipate our new broiler hatchery will deliver in line with these ambitious plans.”

As a company new to the broiler business, hatchery management training for Maroc Dinde’s personnel is an important part of the new project. Bouke Hamminga, Pas Reform’s director of international sales and business development said, “Maroc Dinde’s hatchery managers will visit the Netherlands to work with our team at Pas Reform Academy.”