Minister Kenneth O. Matambo, Chairman of the African Caucus, and Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, co-chaired the African Consultative Group meeting yesterday at the IMF Headquarters and they issued the following statement after the conclusion of the Group’s meeting in Washington, USA
Event News
African Farming weekly digest - 17th - 21st April
Here is a brief overview of the weeks new on African farming, from 17 - 21 April 2017
Rural population to use livestock as health cover
The Zimbabwean cabinet has approved a framework under the proposed National Health Insurance Scheme that will result in people in rural communities using livestock for health cover, a Government official has said, according to The Dairy Site
African Farming weekly digest - 3th - 7th April
Here is a brief overview of the weeks new on African farming, from 3 - 7 April 2017
Agrikexpo to arrive in Abuja in September 2017
Agrikexpo, organised by 151 Products, is Africas premium business-to-business exhibition and conferences for agriculture and agribusiness professionals and is set to take place at the International Conference Centre in Abuja, Nigeria on 25 - 27 September 2017