
MF CENTORA and MF DELTA Combine Features for 2012

Advanced technology boosts MF CENTORA performance

p>Advanced technology boosts MF CENTORA performance


The latest Massey Ferguson CENTORA range, still the only eight straw-walker combine available, receives a host of new features for harvest 2012 that boost productivity and cut running costs. As well as the latest, most economical SRC engine technology, they also receive other significant upgrades.

“The MF CENTORA, with its unique eight straw-walker separation system, is renowned for being one of the largest capacity conventional combines on the market. It delivers the capacity and great straw quality many users demand, along with very cost effective operation,” says Adam Sherriff, Manager – Powered Harvesting. “For next season both models will also benefit from the addition of advanced technology, first developed for the high capacity MF 9280 DELTA Hybrid combine.”