AfDB’s investments fuel The Gambia’s leap into the future

Completion of the Trans-Gambia Bridge will facilitate efficient movement of goods and people. (Image source: AfDB)

The African Development Bank’s (AfDB) investments in The Gambia’s energy sector have significantly improved access to affordable and reliable electricity

According to a recent Bank country progress report, at least 70% of Gambians are projected to have power by the end of this year, with 50% in rural areas. The report received approval by the Bank Group’s Board on 13 June. It reflects the results obtained halfway through the execution of the Bank’s 2021-2025 Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for the Gambia, highlighting remarkable achievements in the country’s energy, agriculture, and transport sectors.

The Bank's assistance to the agricultural sector has boosted productivity, increased production and attracted private investment. Rice yields have thus risen from 2.2 to 4 tonnes per hectare, thanks to the implementation of the Bank’s flagship Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) initiative and the Rice Value Chain Transformation Programme (RVCP)

Yields of maize, groundnut, cowpea and sorghum also improved during the first period of CSP implementation. Enhanced irrigation on 4,369 ha increased rice production by 27,828 tonnes, and support for local seed producers has ensured sustainable supplies of seeds.

In the transport sector, the Trans-Gambia Bridge and its ancillary road network link major routes and destinations, promoting the efficient movement of goods and people, supporting trade, raising incomes and improving livelihoods throughout West Africa.

“The AfDB has increased its support for economic diversification and resilience in the Gambia, taking into account the country's long-term development priorities and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and targeting factors of fragility," stated the Bank’s Deputy-Director General for West Africa, Dr Joseph Ribeiro.