
African Leaders convene to discuss ways to beat hunger and malnutrition

His Excellence Abdoulaye Bio Tchané, Minister of State for Planning and Development of the Republic of Benin, and The Right Honorable Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, Vice President of the Republic of Malawi co-chaired the first meeting of The Malabo Montpellier Forum in Cotonou, Benin

“We are delighted to host the inaugural meeting of The Malabo Montpellier Forum in Benin. The African Union and Malabo Declaration have set us some clear goals, including to increase agricultural productivity, halve poverty, and end hunger. In order to successfully meet these targets, it will be crucial to work together,” Chilima said.

Several African countries have been able to reduce malnutrition significantly in the last decade, proving that the fight against malnutrition can be won. However, in sub-Saharan Africa, undernourishment affected 224 million people in 2016, accounting for 25 per cent of undernourished people in the world. In order to stop this suffering, it is crucial that policy makers learn lessons from countries that are making progress in the fight against hunger and malnutrition.

Abdoulaye Bio Tchané said, “This Forum is one of the only high-level platforms in Africa dedicated to evidence based dialogue and exchange on critical issues of food security and agricultural growth. It is a brilliant way to share what works, why and how. Across Africa, countries are tackling the issue of malnutrition with resourcefulness and ingenuity. Policies and programmes are being implemented that have been able to make a real difference. This inaugural meeting will allow us to review policy and programmatic lessons which can ensure that we provide the best environment for Africans to win the fight against malnutrition.”

Stefan Schmitz, head of the division of rural development and food security at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Bonn said, "It is very encouraging to see that many African countries have made progress, and it shows that we can achieve a world free of hunger and malnutrition. The Government of Germany’s One World No Hunger initiative and the G20 Declaration highlight our commitment to work alongside African governments to achieve these goals. As leaders in our governments, we must make the effort to share evidence about the interventions that work in order to meet the target of ending hunger by 2030.”