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African Union adopts statute to set up the Africa Food Safety Agency

Food safety is a pressing issue in Africa, with foodborne illnesses affecting 91 million people and resulting in 137,000 deaths annually. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

On 16 February, the 38th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, during which the African Union (AU) adopted the statute for the establishment of the Africa Food Safety Agency

This decision marks a significant advancement in the continent's commitment to protecting consumer health, strengthening Africa’s food safety governance and facilitating trade in safe food products under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Food safety is a pressing issue in Africa, with foodborne illnesses affecting 91 million people and resulting in 137,000 deaths annually. According to the World Bank, lost productivity and medical costs result in annual losses amounting to US$110bn sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Chairperson of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat emphasised the transformative impact of the establishment of the Africa Food Safety Agency as a crucial milestone in Africa’s journey towards a more integrated and prosperous continent. 

The Agency will establish a continental food safety data hub and rapid alert system, providing critical support to Member States in managing food safety risks and emergencies. It will also coordinate food safety initiatives at the continental level while complementing and strengthening the food safety coordination function of Regional Economic Communities.

"With the Africa Food Safety Agency, we are taking a decisive step towards transforming our agri-food systems. It will not only help protect public health but will also boost intra-African trade by facilitating the harmonisation of food safety standards and supporting our Member States in building robust food control systems." noted Josefa Sacko, the outgoing Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment.

The AU Commission has been tasked with fast-tracking the operationalisation of the Africa Food Safety Agency, including putting in place structures and establishing frameworks working together with Member States and partners.