
Certis Belchim's launches Valis Plus in Ghana

Valis Plus improves control programmes. (Image source: Certis Belchim)

Cocoa production, a significant economic driver in many African countries, faces numerous challenges

Fluctuating global market prices, climate change, and the constant threat of diseases such as the Cocoa Black Pod pose significant pressures.

The Cocoa Black Pod disease, triggered by the pathogens Phytophthora palmivora and Phytophthora megakarya, has been a persistent menace for cocoa farmers in Ghana, reducing crop yield and quality and impacting the livelihoods of countless farmers and the nation's economy.

Valis Plus: an outstanding and innovative solution to control Cocoa Black Pod Disease

Ghanaian cocoa production needs strong, innovative and sustainable solutions. In response to this challenge, Certis Belchim has developed Valis Plus, a unique and exclusive tool that improves control programmes whilst managing the risk of resistance development. The fungicide is based on valifenalate, combined with copper oxychloride, and copper hydroxide in a high-quality, unique Water Dispersible Granule (WG) formulation that is easy and safe to handle. With a composition of 60g/kg valifenalate + 150g/kg copper oxychloride + 150g/kg copper hydroxide, Valis Plus is a unique formulation offering multi-site mode of action from the two forms of copper.
Copper hydroxide quickly releases cupric ions for high impact knock-down action, while copper oxychloride releases cupric ions over a ten-day period, ensuring persistence of action. Valifenalate, belonging to the CAA group of fungicides, moves slowly inside the treated part of the plant, providing a long-lasting effect and serving as a key tool for resistance risk management.

Valis Plus has the lowest copper load in the market, offering the same performance as its competitors but with less environmental impact. The dose rate is 75 g per knapsack sprayer of 15 litres, and it is conveniently packed in 75-gram bags. It must be applied thoroughly to the healthy pods, from cherelle stage to the green mature pods, and sprayed every four weeks from May/June to October/November.

Valis Plus was extensively tested by the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG) in large scale trials conducted over two years. Results showed that disease control and yield of fermentable pods following Valis Plus treatments matched those from the commercial reference product. The product was then approved by the Cocoa Board.

Certis Belchim: a new player in the world of crop protection

Certis Belchim, a Mitsui & Co Ltd company, created in 2022 through the merger of two major players in crop protection in Europe, embraces the expertise and values of its legacy companies. Certis Belchim’s ambition is to address a worldwide market, working to develop sustainable solutions for African, Latin American and Asian agricultures. The company’s mission is to develop and deliver sustainable and innovative crop protection solutions driven by the best technical advice and market understanding. The launch of Valis plus is an example of its expanding footprint beyond the European market.

Certis Belchim has, for the first time, been able to provide a positive answer to Ghana Cocoa Board's call for a much-needed fungicide to ensure good protection of cocoa pods. Valis Plus offers a sustainable solution for cocoa farmers in Ghana and will contribute to the longevity of cocoa production in the region.

We can look forward to a future where cocoa production is not only profitable but also sustainable, ensuring the livelihoods of farmers and the satisfaction of chocolate lovers worldwide.