
China rolls out technology to improve farming in Aveyime

Farmers at Aveyime in the North Tongu District of the Volta Region are expected to boost their yields with the use of Chinese farming techniques

These involve the use of solar power in irrigation, food conservation methods for farm animals for continued food supply during the dry season and improved animal stocks for both breeding and consumption.

Sun Liang, the agricultural researcher at China Geo Engineering Co-operation (CGEC), told reporters that the CGEC, which had been in the country for the past 20 years, found through its research that Ghana had potential in the agricultural sector.

“This will be done through bringing in Chinese agricultural experts to share their expertise with their counterparts here,” said Liang.

“We will aim at having world class agricultural facilities here that could match up to the best and most sophisticated in China.”

Research has been carried on the launch of solar lamps and a machine from China that could process grass and make it more attractive to livestock even after it had been preserved during the dry season had also been acqurired for the farm, added Liang.