
FAO and NEPAD to boost youth employment in Africa

FAO and New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) have launched a US$4mn project that aims to create employment opportunities through sustainable agriculture and agribusiness for African youth

The project is funded by African Solidarity Trust Fund and will employ over 100,000 young men and women in rural Benin, Cameroon, Malawi and Niger.

NEPAD CEO Ibrahim Assane Mayaki said, “The collaboration between NEPAD and FAO will go a long way in ensuring that the youth are not left behind. We will create an economic environment that stimulates initiatives particularly by conducting transparent and foreseeable policies and at the same time by regulating the market in order to deal with market failures that we will attain results and impact through the new thrust given to our farmers, entrepreneurs and youth.

FAO assistant director-general for Africa Bukar Tijani added that over half of the continent’s population is below 25 years and approximately 11mn young Africans will join the labour market every year for the next decade.

Despite strong economic growth in many African countries, wage employment is limited and agriculture and agribusiness continue to provide income and employment for over 60 per cent of sub-Saharan Africa’s population, he noted.