
FAO develops four-year agri-based livelihoods strategy in Tanzania

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed a four-year strategy in Tanzania with the objective of enhancing the resilience of agriculture-based livelihoods and local food systems, thus improving food security and nutrition

This will be achieved through a combination of protection, prevention and disaster risk reduction measures that address the root causes of vulnerability, as well as meet the immediate needs of people affected by shocks and crises.

Agriculture is the backbone of the economy in Tanzania. The sector contributes to around 30 per cent of the gross domestic product while supporting around 80 per cent of rural livelihoods and producing 95 per cent of the country’s food requirements.

However, small-scale production, which engages the majority of farmers and pastoralists, is vulnerable to natural as well as human-induced crises, which undermine their coping and adaptive capacity and well-being.

The Strategy is fully aligned with the FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF, 2017–2020), which itself aligns with the Government’s priorities and sectoral strategies, as well as with the United Nations Development Assistance Plan (2016–2021).

The main planned outcomes of the Strategy include:

· Evidence-based and risk-informed policies, strategies and plans promoting resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises supported

· Early warning and risk-informed systems for potential, known and emerging threats established and strengthened

· Protection, prevention and mitigation of impacts of crisis and disaster risk on communities and households supported and strengthened

· Improved preparedness for and response to crises and disasters through effective coordination