
Gropro and Ebda sign deal to develop a biological market in Egypt

GroPro Corp has signed a cooperation agreement with Demeter Egypt (Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA) to joint marketing efforts for promoting biological inputs in Egypt and help local farmers get informed about biological inputs application and advantages

Top managers of Demeter Egypt\EBDA and GroPro have met this January in Cairo to finalise the agreement details.  

“Having several expanded trips to Egypt, establishing our products trials there, we in GroPro understand how huge biological market potential is in this country. And we want to become an active agent of the promoting bio-ag solutions and IPM on the Egyptian market, sharing our expertise and knowledge with local farmers in partnership with the EBDA,” commented GroPro's representative.

This agreement comes as part of GroPro's efforts to expand collaborations on the Egyptian market. According to this agreement, GroPro and the EBDA will plan to launch educational and marketing programs for Egyptian farmers.

In the last few years, agricultural production in Egypt has been developing rapidly, primarily due to active export demand, mainly from the EU countries. The main objective of the Egyptian Biodymanics Association is to pursue activities aimed at legitimate rights and interests of the small farmers and members through the promotion and development of organic farming. The organisation's tasks are to provide knowledge, expertise, and experience to defend the interests of organic producers and assist the total growth of the organic market.

“As a company that supports sustainability goals, we fully support the development of the organic movement in Egypt. We aim to share our expertise with Egyptian producers on all stages of crop production value-chain and provide them our inputs and services to maximise the profitability,” commented James Lamoureaux, GroPro's CEO.