
MoU signed to strengthen food security and agri systems

The collaboration under the MoU is effective from December 2024. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and the World Food Programme (WFP) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to reaffirm their joint commitment to promote food and nutrition security, strengthen the resilience of vulnerable groups, and transform the Madagascar’s food systems

WFP's Country Strategic Plan (2024 - 2028) is aligned with the Government's vision to strengthen the resilience of rural communities in several areas. The collaboration under the MoU, effective from December 2024, will continue for a period of four years and is based national priorities and the sustainable development goals. Despite the key role that agriculture plays in Madagascar’s economy, the sector faces major challenges: climatic shocks, low productivity, limited access to markets, inadequate infrastructure, and significant post-harvest losses.

“Through innovative, inclusive and appropriate solutions, we are collaborating with our partners to build food systems that can withstand shocks and ensure human dignity,” said WFP acting country director and representative, Mamadou Mbaye. “Other innovative interventions include facilitating market access for smallholder producers through home-grown school feeding, climate risk management through resilient agriculture, anticipatory action, agricultural insurance, and the promotion of renewable energy through the Rapid Rural Transformation initiative.”