Currently, genetically modified crops are only cultivated in three African countries on a commercial basis but in research and development plant biotechnology is already used more and more
Africa's GM crop debate
GMO Safety speaks with Diran Makinde of the African Biosafety Network of Expertise in Burkina Faso and with Arthur Makara of the Science Foundation for Livelihoods and Development in Uganda
Fewer pesticides and higher yields and incomes
Integrated Production and Pest Management Programme in West Africa makes important progress
GMO trials in Africa
Field trials underway in Kenya and Uganda
Evon-Tryptophan capacityik expands its L
EVONIK INDUSTRIES (GERMANY) announces a capacity increase of
TrypAMINO (L-Tryptophan) at Evonik Fermas s.r.o., a 100 per cent affiliated
company of Evonik AG, in Slovenska Lupca, Slovakia.
company of Evonik AG, in Slovenska Lupca, Slovakia.