
‘Time for Africa’s own Green Revolution’

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) hosted a planning meeting with a delegation from Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) to revitalise and transform agriculture

The meeting was also attended by the consulting firm Dalberg Global Development Advisors, which has been contracted by the bank to develop the African Agricultural Transformation Strategy.

Raising agricultural productivity depends on a number of factors, but the most critical one is new knowledge and technology generated from research.

AfDB director of agriculture and agro-industry department Chiji Ojukwu spoke about the numerous studies that show the GDP growth generated by agriculture can be up to four times more effective in reducing poverty than growth generated by other sectors.

He also observed that the Asian Green Revolution saw increases in agricultural productivity resulting from the widespread adoption of new, high-yielding rice and wheat varieties, together with the increased use of fertilisers, irrigation and other inputs.

“It is time for Africa’s own ‘Green Revolution’”, he said.