

Youth in Western Bahr-El-Ghazal urged to take up farming

The Ministry of Agriculture in Western Bahr-el-Ghazal State, Sudan has urged youth in the area to pursue farming to become more self-sufficient

Bangladeshi peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, have contributed to this mission by handing over seeds, fruit seedlings and two generators to power irrigation systems.

“Agriculture is the way to provide food and reduce poverty among our people,” said Daniel Akuang, minister of Agriculture, adding that farmers are keen to move on to mechanised and more productive farming if equipment and tools are made available.

Colonel Selim Azad, commander of the Bangladeshi contingent in Wau, drew parallels between South Sudan and his home country. “The way we became an independent country in 1971 is similar to the way South Sudan has achieved its liberty and agricultural equipment and seeds will no doubt help the country in moving forward,” he said.

Representing the peacekeeping mission’s field office in Wau, Erasmus Migyikra said, “If the youth of South Sudan can put all the energy they invest in fighting into agricultural activity their country is bound to develop and prosper.”