Abu Dhabi waste management company, Tadweer recently announced a US$2.5mn pilot project with UK start-up, Aquagrain, which has developed a unique soil enhancing technology that harnesses organic waste
Policymakers requested to respect organic movement’s choice to cease NGT use
Jan Plagge, president of IFOAM Organics Europe at an online press conference called on Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and Member States to respect organic farmers and operators choice to not use novel genomic techniques (NGTs)
Trimble donates US$100,000 to World Food Programme
As humanitarian crisis spreads across the globe, leaving millions of people hungry in its wake, Trimble Agriculture on the occasion or World Food Day, extended their support through the donation of US$100,000 to the United Nations World Food Programme US
AVID purchases carbon credits from SunCulture
Climate-focused fintech company AVID Climate LLC, recently announced its collaboration with SunCulture, offering fractionalised investment assets - AVID Climate Units (ACUs) - which are in part comprised of tonnes of avoided carbon from SunCulture to the retail market
Advancing investments towards agrifood systems transformation in West Africa and Sahel
The FAO Sub-Regional office for West Africa (SFW) is organising its 15th annual multidisciplinary team (MDT15) meeting in hybrid mode from 28 November to 1 December 2023, in Banjul, Gambia