The government of Japan is providing generous funding to UNICEF to support Somalia’s drought-affected children with proper sanitation facilities in schools, keep them in education and provide abused women and children with support services
Women seen as the backbone for the development of Zambia's farming sector
Interview with Grace Musonda, Zambian teacher and farmer and regular visitor at Agritech Expo
AfDB grants US$11.23mn to Madagascar’s energy, agriculture and pest control
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has signed five project financing agreements with the government of Madagascar worth US$11.23mn
African Food Security Prize launched to stop the spread of fall armyworm
Feed the Future has opened its call for applications for the Fall Armyworm Tech Prize, which offers to fund up to US$400,000 in digital solutions that aim to help stop the spread of fall armyworm in Africa
Africa needs to focus on agro-industrialisation of cocoa
Africa needs to focus on improving its agro-industrialisation, which is important to transforming the cocoa value chain, according to the African Development Bank (AfDB)