Agriculture has played a vital role in the growth of civilisations and industry in Africa but in modern times, agriculture is too often seen as a backward sector, particularly where small-scale farmers are involved
New policy requires Nigerian farmers to pay for protection
New agricultural policy announced by the Minister of Agriculture in Nigeria may mandate farmers to pay government extra levies for their protection and the security of their farms
Ethiopian Government gets tough on dormant commercial farms
Commercial farm developers who occupy land in three regions of the country have received warnings for leaving the land underutilised
Small farms in Togo to benefit from AfDB digital expansion
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has launched a digital payment project to support small scale farmers in Togo
AfDB to train 250,000 ‘Agripreneurs’ in Nigeria
Africa Development Bank (AfDB) president Akinwumi Adeshina has announced that the bank has earmarked US$12.5bn for the training of the next generation of agriculture entrepreneurs (agripreneurs) in Nigeria and 24 other African countries before 2025