
Kenya launches coffee branding initiative

Kenya has launched a coffee branding initiative designed to boost its global coffee sales and help the industry regain its position as a top foreign exchange earner

Under a scheme by the Kenyan government, bulk coffee sold to roasters would be branded ‘Coffee Kenya Mark of Origin’ by producers and traders. The Coffee Board of Kenya would monitor the system to ensure that the beans belong to the country.

Felix Koskei, agriculture minister of Kenya, said that the government wanted to add value to exports through initiatives such as branding, widening the appeal of Kenyan coffee with consumers and following similar schemes used by other producers.

“This will increase value for farmers, create more jobs and enhance the contribution of coffee to the economy,” added Koskei.

Coffee exports are Kenya’s fourth biggest foreign exchange earner after tourism, tea and horticulture.

In 1980s, the coffee sector was the leading earner accounting for 40 per cent of foreign exchange, revealed the agriculture minister.