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The Mohammed bin Rashid Initiative for Global Prosperity, an initiative of the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit, has launched four Global Maker Challenges at the 2018 Solve Challenge Finals hosted by MIT Solve in New York., aiming to solve some real-world challenges including energy and sustainable agricultural production

The third Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Permanent Secretaries Leadership Retreat was by AUCs Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture Josefa Sacko, who urged to transform agriculture and achieve the objectives of the Malabo Declaration

For the third year in a row, there has been a rise in world hunger, with the absolute number of undernourished people being increased to about 821mn in 2017 from around 804mn in 2016, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

The recently endorsed International Trade and Administration Commission (ITAC) recommendation to adjust the sugar and increase import duty of US$680 per tonne will provide the immediate relief required by the industry and protection against the surge of imports, said Ncumisa Mcata-Mhlauli, chief director for agro-processing at the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti)

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