
15th edition of AquaVision to kick off in June this year

The 15th edition of biennial aquaculture business conference, AquaVision will take place from 10-12 June 2024 in Stavanger, Norway

With a focus on meaningful discussions surrounding challenges and opportunities with the aquaculture sector, this business conference has been organised by Skretting and its parent company Nutrecosince 1996. AquaVision has been recognised for featuring a lineup of inspiring and internationally renowned keynote speakers including Joseph Stiglitz, Kofi Annan and Bob Geldof, among others. This year's edition will bring together aquaculture leaders to discuss the future of blue food and its role in feeding a booming global population.

The key themes of AquaVision 2024 are:

- Acting towards a sustainable future: AquaVision will discuss the actions needed to make the aquaculture industry more resilient, while accelerating growth in a way that is good for the planet and their business. 

- Dealing with market disruptions in an ever-changing world: By discussing how the industry should address issues such as demographic trends, geopolitical tensions, price volatility and rising trade barriers, AquaVision will explore new pathways to feed the world’s population. 

- Beyond tomorrow: The conference will showcase cutting-edge technology with the potential to accelerate transformational change within the industry. 

"The number of people suffering from acute food insecurity in the world grew 1.5 times between 2019 and 2022 and multiple external factors pushed food prices to all-time highs," said Skretting CEO, Therese Log Bergjord. "It is now more important than ever to secure access to high quality protein in a sustainable, future-proof manner. Innovations such as artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies have the potential to accelerate transformative change and support this ambition. I am looking forward to discussing this and more during AquaVision 2024."

For more information and to register, visit: https://www.skretting.com/aquavision/