
2021 ReSAKSS Conference concludes with renewed commitment to continental goals

AKADEMIYA2063 has concluded the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) Annual Conference, with renewed stakeholder commitment to promoting evidence-based dialogue and action towards policy options to ensure recovery from COVID-19 and strengthen resilience to future shocks

Organised in partnership with the African Union Commission (AUC), under the theme “Building resilient African food systems after COVID-19,” the three-day virtual conference from 15-17 November, featured high-level speakers from the academic and development community, who debated on the findings of the ReSAKSS 2021 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR).  

“The ReSAKSS Conference is a time when we come together to look back, take stock, and look forward with a focus on strong thematic areas of strategic importance to the African Union agenda,” said Dr. Ousmane Badiane, AKADEMIYA2063 executive chairperson. 

Day one of the conference focused on an overview of the 2021 ATOR, a keynote presentation on impacts of and responses to COVID-19 in African countries, with presentations and thematic sessions on “Impacts of COVID-19 on African Economies”. Day two featured presentations and panel discussions focused on "Responses of African Countries to COVID-19 and Social Protection" and "Measurement Issues", with Day three tackling “Progress toward Achieving the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Goals”

The conference was attended by around 100 attendees from over 23 organisations, with the participants underscoring to need to strengthen implementation of policies and strategies in order to accelerate recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 and progress toward achieving CAADP goals.