
2023 edition of Ethiopex and ALEC return to Addis Ababa this October

The 2023 edition of the Ethio Poultry Expo (Ethiopex) and African Livestock Exhibition and Congress (ALEC), in collocation with Aquaculture Ethiopia and Apiculture Ethiopia, will be returning to the Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa from 26-28 October 2023

Ethiopex is the largest gathering of animal science and trade professionals in East Africa. The event provides exhibitors a fast and cost-effective platform to meet buyers and expand their brand into one of the fastest growing economies in the world. This year, Ethiopex is expected to welcome more than 100 exhibiting companies and 4,000 attendees from more than 20 countries.

For professionals working in the livestock sector, the eighth edition of ALEC is a major event which offers a huge networking opportunity to all visitors as a unique platform into the latest information on instrumentation, applications and techniques used in the livestock industry. Besides attracting investment, transfer technology and serving as a professional development forum in one place a time, the event has proved to be a valuable platform to bridge the various gaps in the livestock value chain by attracting numerous first-class exhibitors to do business and share their knowledge with sector stakeholders. ALEC is the primary and significant event for the livestock sector development in the East African sub-region and mainly Africa's most considerable livestock populated country of Ethiopia.

For 16 years, Ethiopex and ALEC have been at the forefront of connecting animal husbandry professionals and the business community in the sector who value learning, networking, and business. For visitors' convenience, Aquaculture Ethiopia and Apiculture Ethiopia will also be collocated with this event.

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