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African agriculture will "have to adapt to climate change" - COP22

At the COP22 Climate talks in Marrakech, the Moroccan government has launched the Adaptation of African Agriculture initiative, designed to help the African agricultural sector to rise to the challenge of climate change, as well as improve water management across the continent 

Jose Graziano Da Silva, director-general, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations was publish in the NY Times on 16 November saying that "Marrakech can and should become the place where we assign agriculture its central role in solving the triple threat of hunger, poverty and climate change."

The launch of the Adaptation of African Agriculture initiative by the Moroccan government, the hosts of the COP22 climate talks, is designed to use US$30bn to make the continents agricultural sector more resilient to the changing climate. 

According to the AAA initiative website, there are three pillars of the scheme, soil management, agricultural-water control and climate-risk management. According to the site, only 2 per cent of arable land is irrigated in Africa while the potential is around 25 per cent. More over, two-third of African land is affected by water shortages. Therefore, the continent is facing some testing challenges in the next years in order to overcome these current set backs.