
Agri trading experts set to discuss emerging markets at Geneva event

A selection of leading agri trading experts will converge at a conference in Geneva in June to discuss geopolitical risk and legal framework when operating in emerging markets, as well as economic and supply chain risks

The 'Risks in Agri Trading: Emerging Markets Summit 2014', organised by IRN and scheduled to take place from 18-19 June 2014 in the Swiss city, will look at topics ranging from currency and credit risks, to country risk and physical risk.

Speakers from a host of major trading companies will be in attendance to offer their advice, including experts from Olam, Cargill, Ecom Trading, Louis Dreyfus and Export Trading Group.

The launch of the event follows three successful editions of the Annual Soft Commodities Trading Summit in Geneva, also organised by IRN. The new platform has been design to accommodate general managers, traders, treasurers, supply chain specialists, trade finance managers, risk management experts, operations managers and logisticians.

The event will feature two workshops, on-stage discussions on topics such as credit risk and physical risk management, and specific case studies that will focus on key emerging regions.

According to IRN, a number of emerging markets in Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia and the Middle East have booming economies and plenty of natural resources. Many of the markets covered during the conference have the potential to become agribusiness hubs for products such as coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, rubber and grains.