
Agritech Expo Zambia launches Agriteach workshop programme

Agritech Expo Zambia has launches Agriteach workshop programme that will focus on skills development, addressing current farming challenges and offering practical solutions to ensure quality farming and maximum production

Farmers will have the opportunity to attend multiple workshop sessions taking place across four different industry themes, allowing farmers a more focused and detailed knowledge building experience. The sessions will cover agri sectors such as crops, finance, irrigation, machinery, equipment and livestock.

There will also be an opportunity for farmers to obtain free, professional advice from experts in the new Agriconsult sessions at the event.

Some of the leading expert speakers at the AgriTEACH workshops at Agritech Expo Zambia who will share their experience and latest technology include:

Livestock, Poultry, Aquaculture

“The aquaculture status in Zambia is rapidly increasing with a number of donor-supported aquaculture development programs targeting small-scale farmers,” Sikabalu, technical sales officer at Skretting Zambia.

“Nutrition and feeding account for a major cost of production and farmers will learn how this cost can be reduced,” said David Elias Daka, animal production consultant at Livestock Services Cooperative Society in Zambia.


“We are involved in financial literacy programs such as the Farmers and Micro Business Simulation, our main focus is to have farmers and micro businesses view their businesses as profit centres and manage them as such in the long run,” commented Jonathan Chola, agro-lending coordinator at AB Bank.

“Banks value their relationship with Zambian farmers and are committed to providing financial solutions to help them grow,” noted Leonard Mwanza, CEO of the Bankers' Association of Zambia (BAZ).

Soil and irrigation

“Currently, there are few options farmers know about that have the potential to re-instate soil fertility without the need for long fallow periods,” stresses Sebastian Scott, one of the founding members of the Grassroots Trust.

Machinery and equipment

“Zambia will be a new gateway for Flying Star to move like a tidal wave across the southern regions of Africa,” said Shannon Lee Ferry, assistant marketing manager and overseas coordinator of STI International in Thailand and manufacturers of Flying Star farm utility vehicles (FUV).