
Aviana Kenya to tap into the country’s growing livestock industry

Aviana Kenya 2017 to be held during 06-07 July 2017 at the Sarit Expo Centre in Nairobi aims to provide a platform to exhibit innovative technologies and identify distribution channels for the poultry and livestock industry in Africa and establish a large business forum for supplier and distributors

With over 100 international exhibitors from 25 different African, European, Middle East and Asian countries, the event is expected to give a major boost to the growing livestock industry in Kenya. Aviana Kenya aims to bring poultry and livestock professionals from all over the world to Kenya and facilitate business deals. The idea is to provide an opportunity for poultry businesses to showcase their products and services and target an audience of international visitors in a focused business environment.

Agriculture and forestry are by far Kenya’s most important economic sector in terms of domestic production and the livestock sector contributes about 12 per cent of Kenya’s gross domestic product (GDP), 40 per cent to the agricultural GDP and employs 50 per cent of agricultual labour force. Livestock production plays an important economic and socio-cultural role among many communities in Kenya. The key livestock subsectors are beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats, camels, pigs and poultry.

Chicken population is estimated 32 million chickens, approximately 80 per cent of which are indigenous while 20 per cent are commercial layers and broilers. Other poultry types such as turkey, duck, pigeon, ostrich, guinea fowl and quail are becoming increasingly important. Annually, the country produces about 20 tonnes of poultry meat worth US$40mn and 1.3 billion eggs worth US$115mn.

Aviana organises international expos for poultry and livestock in four coutnries in Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar and Cameroon.