
Connecting African women in agriculture practices

The US Department of State and the US Embassy in Addis Ababa are organising a forum on 4 October 2017, aiming to encourage more African women to be involved in agriculture

The purpose of the forum is to cultivate a growing pool of African women leaders to share new and innovative technologies to improve agriculture.

This event is expected to help encourage greater awareness about the use of biotechnology to address food security challenges.

The event will be attended by many industry leaders and academicians including Judy Chambers, director of the Programme for Biosafety Systems at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Patricia Zambrano, senior research analyst at IFPRI, Ruth Mbabazi, research assistant professor at the Collage of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University (CANR-MSU) and Ethel Makila, communications officer at the Biosciences eastern and central Africa-International Livestock Research Institute (BecA-ILRI) Hub.

With Africa driving to boost its agricultural practices with new technology, the event is expected to add more value to help in the agri-development in the continent.

The event will focus on the association of women in agricultural practices to ensure more productivity to address the challenge of food security and per capita income generation in Africa.

In addition to it, the event will also focus on the use of biotechnology to address food security challenges to reduce cost, crop loss and improve efficiency in agri-practices for the small holder farmers.