
Cotontchad convenes multi-stakeholder meeting in Chad

Chads only aggregator and exporter of Cotton, Cotontchad along with Better Cotton and IDH on 21 November 2023, convened key stakeholders from N’Djamena, to discuss the potential for the launch of a new Better Cotton Programme

Participants including national ministries, cotton farmer representatives, private sector actors and civil society organisations were part of the multistakeholder event, where they promoted dialogue on perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in sustainable agriculture in the cotton sector in Chad.

Cotonchad CEO, Oliver Renson confirmed their commitment to developing the sustainability credentials of Chadian cotton, as well as their alignment with Better Cotton's aims. "This meeting will help establish next steps required to create the right enabling environment to continue to deliver for the country’s cotton farming communities,” Renson said.

Global director of Textiles and Manufacturing at IDH, Pramit Chanda emphasised that supporting Cotonchad alongside Better Cotton would benefit around 200,000 farmers, strengthening international market linkages. Moreover, he also highlighted that this would directly contribute to the broader regional development objectives of the Climate Resilient Cotton Landscape that is being convened in Chad. 

“Convenings like this are fundamental to the success of our operations. Not only do they help us forge and strengthen partnerships within the sector and beyond, they also help us learn from like-minded organisations that share our commitment to supporting cotton farming communities,” added Better Cotton CEO, Alan McClay

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