
EuroTier 2021 will run as a virtual event

EuroTier, the world’s leading trade fair for animal production, will take place on 9-12 February 2021 in a digital version

This decision was reached by the organiser, DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society), following extensive meetings with industry representatives, the advisory board and partners. EuroTier offers exhibitors a broad offering and maximum flexibility with digital business packages while offering visitors an extensive technical programme and attractive networking opportunities. For 2021, DLG will also offer additional events and trade fairs on all aspects of the topics of animal husbandry.

“The increasing number of corona cases worldwide and the related restrictive travel guidelines for both exhibitors and visitors require flexible business solutions and information services, like those offered by EuroTier,” explained Dr Reinhard Grandke, CEO of the DLG. “Our digital trade fair is both international business platforms and expert networks for the current issues of animal production.”

Inform and Connect – EuroTier as a digital platform

Inform & Connect: With digital company profiles, live events including chat and meeting functions, the event offers a broad range of communication and interaction opportunities for exhibitors and visitors. The digital technical programme with DLG Spotlights on the major trade fair topics of dairy, pig, poultry, and direct farm sales, as well as live discussions from the DLG Studio, provides the perfect setting for planning investments.

Additional DLG services in 2021

The DLG network will offer additional national and international trade fairs and industry events for animal production in 2021 as outdoor and indoor events with a safe business concept. These include:

agra 2021: The leading agricultural exhibition for Central Germany will take place, 22-25 April 2021 in Leipzig and offers an information and exhibition programme for livestock holders.

DLG-Feldtage 2021: The meeting point for crop professionals will take place from 8-10 June 2021 in Erwitte (East Westphalia) on around 45 hectares of exhibition grounds and offers numerous advantages of an outdoor event in a region of Germany that is heavily influenced by animal husbandry.

Agritechnica 2021: The world’s leading trade fair for agricultural machinery, 14-20 November 2021, offers livestock holders a large number of exhibition and information services.

International trade fairs and conferences: Together with partners, DLG will provide information on topics and requirements of animal husbandry in the respective agricultural regions during numerous trade fairs and events, and offers exhibitors and visitors tailored-made business platforms.

For more information, visit www.eurotier.com