
EuroTier/EnergyDecentral digital kicks off today

EuroTier Digital has kicked off with a full technical programme of more than 85 events from exhibitors and partners in the digital spotlights ‘Cattle’, ‘Pig’, ‘Poultry’, ‘Energy’, ‘Emission Control’, ‘Direct Farm Sales’, and ‘International’, in addition to digital live events from the DLG studio in Frankfurt, Germany

Highlights on 9 February

DLG Studio, Frankfurt, Germany (Live transmission)

11:00 hrs. 
Opening: EuroTier/EnergyDecentral digital with German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner

DLG Studio, Frankfurt, Germany (Live transmission)

Award ceremony: Innovation Award EuroTier and EnergyDecentral

DLG Studio, Frankfurt, Germany (Live transmission)

International Poultry Event: Poultry Industry - Quo vadis?

DLG, under the leadership of some 25 professionals working with more than 500 organisations and people with experience in many different livestock spheres, has put together a programme of more than 300 events and talks on topics relevant to livestock professionals.

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