
EuroTier Middle East presents preview for 2021 editions

DLG International GmbH as organisers of EuroTier Middle East has presented a preview for the 2021 editions of their trade fairs at EuroTier digital 2021

Panel Discussions and Speakers at the EuroTier Middle East Preview Day

Special Guest Speaker: HE Mariam bint Mohammed Saeed Hareb Almheiri - Minister of State for Food and Water Security, United Arab Emirates will be delivering the key note speech on chances and challenges in the animal farming industry.

Spotlight on: Poultry production in the Middle East

Discover the key areas and geographic locations where countless business and trade opportunities can be found in the Emirates poultry production industry.

Sheikh Hamed bin Khadem Bin Butti Al Hamed, Chairman of the Bin Butti Holding Group and Emirates association of poultry breeders, will deliver the keynote speech.

Bin Butti Group (BBG) was founded by Sheikh Khadem Bin Butti in 1968. It is a well-established, privately-held diversified organisation with operations in the Middle East and Africa. The group has its headquarters in Abu Dhabi.

The group’s activities span exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing, manufacturing and trading, hotel and tourism, health and safety equipment, recruitment, laundry services, poultry farms, high-end stables, and many more.

Other speakers include:

-Mohammed Hasan Alshamsi Al Awadhi – Member of the Board of Directors of Ras Al Khaimah Poultry & Feeding Co. and the Vice Chairman for Emirates association of poultry breeders.

-Mohamed Abdullah Salem Noah - Chairman of Alkhumasia broiler parent stock Chairman of Saudi Gulf layer parent stock, Vice Chairmen of Hyline, Saudi Arabi. Vice Chairman and CEO Alkhumasia Animal Feed.

-Dr Ahmed Elkady ME-VAC - Marketing & Sales Director for Egypt and Africa Middle East (AFME).

Other panel discussions at the EuroTier Middle East Preview Day include:

-Chances and challenges in the animal farming industry.

HE Mariam bint Mohammed Saeed Hareb Almheiri - Minister of State for Food and Water Security, United Arab Emirates will deliver the keynote speech: Other panelists include executive committee industry experts such as Mr Mohammed Al Falasi, President, Investments & Business Group, Jenaan Investment LLC, Mr Alan Smith, CEO Agthia Pjsc, Mr Edward Hamod, COO NFFPM

-Top Breed Market & Requirements for goat and sheep breeds in dessert regions.   

Dr Stefan Völl from the German Goat and Sheep Breeders Association and Mr Joseph Stöckl from the Austrian Goat and Sheep Breeders Association will share their expertise on the latest scientific and market developments in the small ruminant sector.

-Controlling Zoonotic Diseases in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

A presentation by the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Security Authority will be delivered by Dr Yassir Mohammed Eltahir Ali - Epidemiology Specialist, ADAFSA

-A technical presentation on Quality Specifications of Corn and DDGS by Mr Reece Cannady, Manager of Global Trade, US Grain.

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