

Forum set to debate agriculture and food security issues in Africa

The 2014 edition of the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) will look to bring together leaders from farmers associations, agribusiness companies, research institutes, non-governmental organisations and African governments to discuss the main food and nutrition security issues facing the continent

The event will seek to deliver the objectives of the 'AU Year of Agriculture and Food Security' as it looks to encourage dialogue among politicians, youth groups, farmers organisations and the private sector on key agricultural topics after a new vision for agriculture and food security was set out by African heads of state in July 2014.

The forum is now in its third year and the 2014 edition follows previous events held in Accra, Arusha and Maputo. The Maputo forum in 2013 ended with a commitment from delegates to transform the AGRF from a series of one-off conferences to an open policy dialogue and accountability forum.

AGRF 2014 will be held under the theme 'Beyond the Tipping Point: a New Vision and Strategies for Inclusive and Sustainable Transformation' and will look to address issues and challenges relating to food productivity, climate change and sustainable growth throughout the industry.

High-level speakers already confirmed to attend AGRF will include Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Nigeria's minister for agriculture and rural development Akinwumi Adesina and Yara International CEO Jorgen Ole Haslestad.

The forum will take place at the African Union Conference Headquarters in Addis Ababa on 1-4 September 2014.