
Hafez Ghanem is World Bank's vice-president for Africa

The World Bank has appointed Hafez Ghanem as the new World Bank vice-president for Africa

A development expert with more than 30 years of experience, Ghanem will lead an active regional portfolio consisting of over 600 projects totalling more than US$71bn.

Under Ghanem's leadership, the World Bank will continue to support inclusive growth and poverty reduction by financing projects that boost human capital, support private sector development, raise agricultural productivity, improve access to infrastructure, build resilience to climate change, and promote regional integration.

Priority will be given to projects and programs that provide economic opportunities for youth and that promote gender equality. The World Bank will also intensify its work in fragile and conflict-affected states.

Ghanem has worked in more than 30 countries in Africa, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and Southeast Asia. Previously the World Bank's vice-president for the Middle East and North Africa, he led engagement in the region through a portfolio of ongoing projects, technical assistance and grants worth more than US$13bn.

As Sub-Saharan African countries strive to accelerate growth, eradicate extreme poverty and better integrate into the global economy, the World Bank Group remains a committed partner that can be relied upon to bring innovative approaches to development and financing.

Ghanem succeeds Makhtar Diop, who has been appointed as the World Bank's vice-president for infrastructure.