
Horticulture and livestock sectors in focus at agri-tech hackathon in September

Agri-EPI Centres agri-tech hackathon, to be held from 23-24 September 2020, focusses on developing technological solutions to problems posed by COVID-19, accelerating the adoption of precision agriculture and engineering technologies across the whole agri-food chain

The hackathon is expected to focus on the horticulture and livestock and veterinary sectors. Participating teams will be given a challenge to explore solutions in two areas including the shortage of labour supply for field operations in horticulture and the restrictions on how vets can travel to conduct farm diagnoses and prescription.

During the 12-hour duration of the hackathon, they have to come up with proposed technical solutions within their chosen stream which, if deemed by the judges to have winning market potential, will become the focus of the year-long ‘product launch programme’ delivered by Agri-EPI.

The hackathon is supported by the European Horizon 2020 project Smart AgriHubs. The challenge partners for the veterinary hackathon are Vet Partners, Zoetis, Knowledge Transfer Network and Landmark Systems. For the horticulture hackathon, the challenge partners are Bardsley, Grimme, NFU and Knowledge Transfer Network.

Lisa Williams, Agri-EPI’s business development director, said, “We invite any businesses, organisations and academic institutions with an involvement or interest in agri-tech to take part in what promises to be a really exciting event, with the aim of delivering new products that address some of the serious impacts of coronavirus on the farming industry.”

“Collaboration is key to innovation and we look forward to working with the participating teams, and the winners, to develop new ideas,” Williams added.

“The winning teams will have 12 months of access to Agri-EPI’s technical and project management expertise, our world-class research and innovation facilities, testbeds and research assets, and our extensive network, which includes a membership of more than 120 companies across agriculture, technology and the supply chain.”

To register, visit agri-epicentre.com/hackathon-2020