
IFTC 2019 will take place during VICTAM International 2019

The 1st International Feed Technology Conference (IFTC 2019) will take place drom 12-13 June 2019 during VICTAM International 2019 at the KoelnMesse in Cologne, Germany focussing on the animal feed processing

At the first day of the Congress, Dr Jürgen Zentek from the University of Berlin, Germany, will speak about the use of technologically and fermentatively processed proteins in monogastric animals in the first theme ‘Valorization of raw materials by technology.'

The theme of ‘Feed formulation & technology’ will be introduced by Dr Hans H Stein (University of Illinois, USA) who will speak about the interaction between feed formulation and feed technology in diets fed to pigs. A further subject is the interactive effect of nutrient density and feed form on the growth performance and feed efficiency in broilers, that will be presented by Dr Reza Abdollahi (Massey University, New Zealand).

The final theme ‘Process developments’ will take place on 13 June and will be introduced by Dr Menno Thomas (Zetadec, Netherlands). His talk is about fundamental factors in feed manufacturing aiming towards a unifying processing framework.

Further subject are recent developments in the carry-over in feed ingredients by Dr Fabrice Putier, Tecaliman, France and a presentation on novel technologies on unicellular organisms to result in sustainable production of animal feed by Dr Dejan Miladinovic from the Centre for Feed Technology, Norway.

Scientific contributions will be published as full papers or expanded abstracts in a special issue of the journal animal feed science and technology.