
IFTEX17 reconfirms leading position of Kenya in world flower sector

The sixth edition of the international flower trade expo IFTEX ended successfully last Friday in the Nairobi Based Oshwal Center, the venue of this annual organised flower event

The fair was opened by Kenya Flower Council’s chairman Mr. Richard Fox, who praised the important and still growing position of Kenya in the world trade of flowers.

Winners of the competitions in the category “non-perishables - hard good suppliers” were Amiran ending at a fourth place receiving a bronze award, Agrichem at third receiving silver, Panalpina at second receiving gold and at first Elgon receiving the platinum award for this achievement. In the category “perishables - flowers” the prices went to Isinya ending at a fourth place receiving a bronze award, Subati at third receiving silver, Omang Amor at second receiving gold and Black Tulip at first receiving the platinum award in this competition.

The event was as usual very well attended. Remarkable were the high number of buyers from Russia and the Middle East. Also, a good number of buyers from various European and Asian countries came to visit this year’s fair.

It was however notable that not many Dutch flower traders trade were present this year. “To be able to see almost 100 per cent of all existing Kenyan growers in just 3 days, should be reason enough for them to attend, I would say”. “But apparently not, although I just can’t understand at all why not to make use of this unique opportunity of having all flower growers together in one place at one point in time”, Dick van Raamsdonk of HPP said when being asked where “the Dutch” were.