
West Africa fertiliser forum held in Ghana

The West Africa Fertiliser Stakeholders Forum was recently held in Accra, Ghana, focusing on the fertiliser trade in the region

The first annual West Africa Fertiliser Stakeholders Forum, which was hosted by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) from 18-19 September 2013, was centred around the theme 'Ensuring a Favourable Policy & Regulatory Environment for Fertiliser Trade and Use in West Africa', event organisers said. 

The forum was backed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) West Africa fertiliser programme, the International Fertiliser Development Center (IFDC) and the African Fertiliser and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP). 

The USAID Food & Enterprise Development programme was represented by its deputy chief of party for technical affairs, Boima Bafaie, who made a presentation specific to Liberia's agriculture and food security situation in terms of fertiliser.

An estimated 30 per cent of the recent global increase in cereal production has been accounted for by fertilisers and the need to enhance fertiliser use has been highlighted since the Abuja Summit in 2006, organisers said.