
Macfrut 2020 goes digital

Italy’s international showcase for the fresh produce industry, will provide business opportunities through a digital platform from 8-10 September 2020 to bring together buyers from all over the world, opening up new international markets for the sector

The uncertainty surrounding the current health emergency has made it difficult to organise the traditional trade fair, now in its 37th edition, in the usual way. Italy is striving to reaffirm its leading position in the sector, and this approach is in line with the current possibilities offered by state-of-the-art technology, which provides a unique opportunity for the fruit and vegetable sector. 

Macfrut Digital will not replace the physical one, but given the current situation it is intended to give all professionals involved the opportunity to do business in the global market. Due to this interactive platform, exhibitors will be able to interact with the buyers and sector professionals who will ‘participate’ in this three-day virtual event.

All visitors, from all across Italy and from all over the world, will be able to access and participate in this three-day virtual trade fair by using a personal device (PC, tablet or smartphone). 

More than 500 buyers, invited by the organisers, will be selected in collaboration with the ICE-Agency (Italian Trade Agency), with which Macfrut has been working together with excellent results for many years through its well-established network of foreign sales agents.

In addition to covering the business side, Macfrut Digital will host technical forums. The international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector has always been an event rich in content and technical insights on key topics in the industry. 

As part of this long-standing commitment, during these three days Macfrut Digital will host a series of live-streamed conferences, which can be viewed on the Natlive platform, after registering free of charge. The topics covered will include innovations in horticulture, innovations in the greenhouse sector, Acquacampus and innovations in irrigation, and the Biostimulant Forum. The platform will also be available to exhibitors for dedicated events.