
Magnetrol International launches level switch contest

Magnetrol International has announced it will hold the ‘Just Can’t Stop a Magnetrol’ contest to honour the level switches still in operation

The competition is targeting the company’s switch owners, who can log on to between 1 May and 31 October 2015 for a chance to win an giftcard.

Contestants need to  submit the device’s age, its application and a photo to be eligible to win amazon giftcards or something of equal value, Magnetrol said. 

Magnetrol invented and introduced the first mechanical buoyancy switches to process industries more than 80 years ago, the firm said.

1st place winners will receive a €500* gift card, plus a new MAGENTROL mechanical buoyancy switch. Those who come in second place will take home a €300 gift card, while third place winners will receive a €100 gift card. 

First and second place prizes will be given based on the age of the unit and a description of the application in which the unit works, according to Magnetrol. Third place prize will be issued on a random drawing of all qualified entries, the company said.