
New egg collection system introduced

Jansen Poultry Equipment (JPE) has expanded its egg collection systems with the MultiFlex Elevator

The MultiFlex Elevator is used to transfer eggs from multiple tiers to a cross conveyor or egg collection table, such as with: 2-tier laying nest (Premium+, XL and LayMaxx) and VolMaxx commune layer cage; and poultry houses with multiple floors or multi-tier Comfort aviary or nest systems.

The MultiFlex Elevator can easily over-bridge differences in height, without having to use elaborate conveyor systems. The egg transfer between the egg belt and the MuliFlex Elevator ensures a smooth transition of the egg into the elevator.

The egg transfer also separates shell-less eggs and expels any possible dirt directly into the collection tray situated underneath, according to the company.

At both the entry and exit unit of the MultiFlex Elevator, a curve guiding system is implemented to prevent eggs from bouncing into each other and star cracks. The integrated dirt collection tray underneath each transfer and exit unit is easy to remove and clean.

The elevator takes up a minimum of space and so more floor space can be used to house more birds.