The Spanish association of manufacturers-exporters of agricultural machinery and its components AGRAGEX will attend the SIMA in Paris from 24-28 February 2019
Event News
Third edition of international award in agribusiness launched
UNIDO ITPO Italy, Italian Investment and Technology Promotion Office of the United Nations Organisation for Industrial Development, and the Future Food Institute of Bologna have launched the third edition of the International Award “Innovative Ideas and Technologies in Agribusiness”
Focus on improving food safety at International Food Safety Conference
Greater international cooperation is needed to prevent unsafe food from causing ill health and hampering progress towards sustainable development, world leaders said at the opening session of First International Food Safety Conference in Addis Ababa
FAO Director-General honoured for contribution to Africa’s zero hunger vision
The African Union (AU) has awarded FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva with a special certificate of recognition for his contribution towards the eradication of hunger in Africa and the sustainable development of the continent’s agriculture sectors
fairtrade launches agrofood Algeria 2019
The Algeria International Trade Show on food processing and packaging, bakery and clothing technology, ingredients and food and hospitality will take place from 25-27 November 2019