
Promoting US market access to women-led agricultural business

The US Embassy has partnered with the American Chamber of Commerce in Madagascar (AmCham) to empower Malagasy women entrepreneurs in the agriculture sector to access US markets

More than half of AmCham Madagascar’s member companies operating in the food sector are led by women, but many of these companies do not take advantage of the lucrative US market due to challenges understanding and meeting the strict standards and certifications required to export products to the United States. 

To address this need, AmCham will host workshops in Antananarivo, Toamasina, and Antsirabe for women leaders of food sector businesses to promote their ability to enter the US market. Women will learn the tools and networking opportunities needed to adapt their business strategies and reach American consumers.  These women entrepreneurs will learn about microfinance institutions and preferential trade opportunities such as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). 

The project is funded by the POWER — Providing Opportunities for Women’s Economic Rise — initiative, a programme supported by the US Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs. This initiative supports projects that connect the US private sector with women entrepreneurs and business leaders to support women’s economic participation, better the financial position of women worldwide, and promote trade and economic relations between the US and partner nations.