
Symaga to launch farm silo improvement at EuroTier 2014

Symaga will launch its farm silo improvement at EuroTier 2014 to be held from 11-14 November 2014 in Hanover Germany

Farm silo is one of the main references of Symaga, for this reason farm silo improvement are continuous, said Symaga.

In 2014, the range has been extended, offering 3.80 meters diameter with 45º and 60º hopper and increasing the capacity up to 85 m3, stated the company.

According to Symaga, the new model, measured 2.50 metres in diameter with stainless steel hopper. Using raw materials, Symaga enhances steel coating, setting the standard coating in Z600, 33 per cent more protection if you compare to previous model, which was unveiled last year.

Symaga is the first Industrial Silo manufacturer with CE certification, through one of its main investments, the company's factory, said Symaga.

From 2013, Symaga certifies the manufacture of industrial and farm silos with CE marking, which enables a reliable manufacture, as CE-marking requires inspections in factory and certification from a Notified Organization (NB), factory Production Control (FPC), welding quality control and END tests, stated the company.